Shiny by Nature Endowed a Cherry Tree in Central Park!

Shiny by Nature Endowed a Cherry Tree in Central Park!

We are thrilled to announce that, in celebration of Earth Day 2022, we endowed a beautiful kwanzan cherry tree along the bridle path in Central Park!

Nature itself is one of the main sources of inspiration for our mission as well as the core aesthetics of our designs! We strongly believe in creating meaningful connections between nature and our everyday lives, and we think Central Park is an excellent example for making this idea a reality.

Nature is truly fascinating! Kwanzan cherry trees are among the last trees to bloom in the spring, and their flowers are some of the most splendid and awe-inspiring. When you walk along the bridle path in mid to late April, you will find yourself deeply struck by the intensely expressive beauty of the cherry blossom!

The flowers of the kwanzan cherry trees are grouped in small bunches, and there can be many thousands of these small bunches in one single tree! That is to say, when you stand underneath a kwanzan cherry tree at its peak bloom, there can be as many as one million petals above your head!

How incredible! What kind of "modern art installation" can rival such immense beauty and creativity originated from nature itself?

By endowing a cherry tree in Central Park, we want to encourage you to seek opportunities to step into nature as well as inviting nature into your life!

Indeed, the magic of fashion lies in the intersection of nature and human life. By designing and making comfortable and beautiful clothing pieces using high-quality natural fabrics, we are inviting the beauty of nature into our everyday life!

The charitable donation will go towards the general maintenance and operation of the park, which is for everyone to enjoy!

As we wrote in our mission statement, Shiny by Nature is not a fashion brand driven by profit, but one driven by a mission to inspire! While we are serving our lovely customers with our amazing products, we also want to leave a greater impact on society beyond the realm of fashion!

Moving forward, we aim to initiate/participate in at least one charitable project every year! Actually, there will be a Part Two for this charitable project, which will be unveiled later this year! Stay tuned!

We also want to take this opportunity to once again express our infinite gratitude for all of our amazing customers! It is your support that keeps us motivated every day and enables us to make a difference in the world!

The future is still in our hands! Let's do our best to make it bright and exciting!


Stay shiny :)